This is the 2nd time I've wiped this blog clean. Can't seem to figure out what kind of blog it should be or what I would actually like to put out here. Have decided this blog has no theme and I'm going to use it to type all of the things I don't get to say because there isn't someone around to listen to me 24 hours a day.
I was reading an article in Skirt! magazine today about a girl who was at her friend's bridal shower. She described the scene as if it was pitiful and sad that this girl was excited to get fun kitchen stuff. Like it was some awful display of domestic surrender. Granted, I cannot identify with getting squealingly excited about kitchen crap. This is probably because my idea of cooking myself dinner is microwaving an Amy's frozen dinner and eating 3 sugar free Popsicles (15 calories!). Then I wake up in the morning and my lips are red and I'm like wtf? And then I remember that I have a problem. The problem is I go through a box of 24 Popsicles a week. But I digress. This girl was talking with complete disdain about the tradition of a bridal shower and how her friend was succumbing to the social constructs our society has put on her forcing her to feel like her life isn't complete until she takes someone's last name. The article was kind of depressing. Just because someone doesn't believe in marriage doesn't mean that the people that do get married are just doing it because they feel like they have to. I have read some interesting books/articles about marriage recently and I find that the major theme is that the key to a good marriage is making it what you want to be and not what you think it should be. Clearly I am not expert having never been married myself, but in general I feel like every time I try to make my life, my job, my choices what I think others think they should be things go terribly awry. {Tangent} Do you ever feel like you can see the life you want, but its like a million years away? I have struggled to figure out what I want out of life ever since I could make real decisions about what to do, where to go, etc. Seems like it is kind of a moving target, but it always feels like it is just out of reach. Is that just a testament to the fact that I am never satisfied or that I can never pull the trigger to go and do the things I want to do and go to the places I want to go? I think maybe the latter {End Tangent}. So the article made me think that this woman has an issue with thinking that others' choices in some way should align with her beliefs. Wake up little Suzie. Probly not.
In conclusion, it does not say RSVP on the statue of liberty.
Thank you very much.
the fact that you are writing on your blog again makes me very happy!
dear megan; please start writing again. it's real funny. i almost promise i will too. thanks.
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